Spring time is here!
As Minnesotans we all know what the weather is capable of doing. Especially spring is often full of surprises.
- Winter
- Fools Spring (40 degrees with flip flops)
- Second Winter
- Spring of Deception (open all the windows)
- Third Winter
- Mud Season (Welcomed thunderstorms)
- Actual Spring
- Summer (Everything outside is wonderful)
- False Fall
- Second Summer (1 week)
- Actual Fall (Pretty Leaves)
That moment that you see your lawn again
A lot of us find solace in the melting of the snow and the opportunity to see our lawns once again. If we are really lucky the tulips, daffodils & crocus begin to pop up and share their beauty. This is a well debated time of year for a lot of folks. You’ve got the people that pull out the patio furniture far too early in anticipation, and those that won’t make a move until the end of April. Around here that means Melissa is running out the door in shorts & flip flops to move patio furniture into the sun while Kelby follows her around shaking his head warning her of the pending doom of our snowiest month, March.
What to do and what not to do
When it comes to jumping the gun, we need to keep in mind what we would like to do and what we should do are two different things. Here are some do´s and dont´s when spring has sprung.
Leaves and lawn debris
- DO: Start to pick up lawn debris that may have shed over the winter months. And sticks, pinecones, trash or gifts that our pets left us in the yard can go.
- DO NOT: Remove leaves that accumulated in your garden beds or around the yard, ground nesting bees are still hibernating. Minnesota is home to 3500 plus species of native bees that need a place to stay protected from the cold and predators. Keep in mind all native bees are pollinators and when we remove the bees we have a major problem. Butterflies and ladybugs also need the shelter. Our birds, especially our songbirds, are anxious to take advantage of the winter gardens and sheltered insects as well.
Planting, not trimming
- DO: Plant your spring flowers such as pansies, alyssum, lobelia and cool season edibles in containers, just in case you have to bring them in for a night or two.
- DO NOT: Trim your blooming shrubs and trees. Examples are Cherry, Chokecherry, Honeysuckle, Lilac, Magnolia, Pear, Plum, Rosebud, Rhododendron, Serviceberry, Spirea & Viburnum all need to be trimmed after they flower and before the bud is set for the year. There is no set time frame for this, so pay close attention to timing and contact us to make sure you are on our schedule so as to not miss the opportunity to be trimmed for this growing season.
Clean and prepare
- DO: Take the time to clean out the shed and prepare for your gardening season. Gently rake your grass to assist in airing it out but be careful as to not damage the crowns of the grass. If your lawn is too soft, to be safe, just stay off. Plant seeds indoors such as tomatoes & peppers, and take some time to build raised beds. Enjoy the fresh spring air and welcome back our seasonal birds. Plan a trip to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum to not just enjoy the vibrant spring colors, but to help plan your new landscape projects as well.
As always if you ever have any questions about your yard, please don’t hesitate to contact our office. We’d be more than happy to stop out to provide you with an estimate.