Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)
The Emerald Ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) is an exotic beetle who can be a major threat to the Ash species in hardwood forests. Our certified arborists can diagnose and treat for EAB. We offer safe options for treatment and or removal of your diseased Ash trees. If your Ash tree is showing any signs of decline, or you think it may have EAB, please contact our office as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more dangerous it becomes to remove the tree due to the way the tree dies. Unfortunately, the more dangerous, the more expensive.
Please check out our newest blog on this dreaded tree pest. It not only includes a list of symptoms of the EAB, but also 3 tips on how to control it.
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Emerald Ash Borer facts
Let’s start with a few fun facts.
This exotic beetle was first found in the USA in southeast Michigan in 2002. Six years later in May of 2009, it made it to Minnesota.
As tiny as it is, the flight range is limited. It most commonly travels with us humans. We unknowingly transfer untreated Ash tree firewood, chips larger than an inch, or nursery stock.
After a long mating process, the female who lives approximately 6 weeks, can lay 40-70 eggs. However females in cooler climates have been known to live much longer laying up to 1000 eggs. She hides the eggs in the cracks of the bark. According to studies, once the female lays her eggs it takes about 7-10 days of above 60 degree weather before they hatch. Then the larvae crawl under the bark of the Ash tree.

Tiny "D" shaped holes.
The larvae tunnel in and feed on the inner phloem, cambium and the outer xylem. (This is the part of the tree right under the brown bark and the tan inner part of the tree), leaving trails called galleries, until spring.
Then between May & August the adults chew their way out, leaving behind tiny “D” shaped holes.
Finally after a week or so of feeding on leaves, the adults mate and we start the entire process over again.